Next Steps for Dr. Eugene Boe

Dr. Eugene Boe has served the Church of the Lutheran Brethren faithfully for many years as elder, youth minister, pastor, mentor, advisor, theological council member, and most prominently as our seminary dean and professor. A reception was held in his honor during the biennial convention in June, celebrating his 41 years as professor and dean at Lutheran Brethren Seminary, and he was also granted Emeritus status by Lutheran Brethren Seminary during their  commencement ceremony in April. Dr. Boe’s legacy continues also through his family, his former students, his colleagues, and his friendships.

As Gene prepared to retire from teaching, we had significant dialogue about the future, both the CLB’s and his own. In an increasingly post-Christan culture and ministry context, we agreed there is great need and opportunity in the Church of the Lutheran Brethren being better resourced to respond and minister as a Church that holds Scripture as our final authority for faith and conduct, and expectant of that Word to work in God’s people to bring redemption and restoration to a fallen world. As we dialogued, I invited Dr. Boe to consider being a part of this resourcing work within the Office of the President.

I am pleased that Dr. Boe is coming on board to serve the CLB in this role of theology applied to mission, which we have titled, “Theologian in Residence.” The position is an Associate position accountable to the Office of the President, and will receive ministry priorities from the Theological Council.

What will Dr. Boe be doing in this new role? The position will be researching, writing, resourcing, and interacting on theological, missional, social, and cultural issues facing the church as it lives out its calling. Dr. Boe will be in our regions and congregations, teaching, speaking,  and engaging in forums and conferences. He will develop theological teaching and other resources for the benefit of the mission of our congregations and pastors, and in the theological/cultural ministry challenges and opportunities they face. I am looking forward to how this new role will resource and equip our local congregations and leadership in their ministry, while also benefiting the CLB as a whole as we engage our culture and world with the gospel.

Rev. Paul Larson is the President of the Church of the Lutheran Brethren.

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