Lutheran Brethren International Mission is privileged to serve in Chad, Japan, and Taiwan. In each of these countries we work together with the national Church to evangelize, make disciples, plant churches and minister to the physical needs of the people groups in which we serve.

Nearly eight billion people live in our world today and around 2.3 billion of them live in a context where they are unreached with the gospel. In other words, just under a third of the world’s population live their lives with little or no exposure to the gospel. They don’t have a Christian friend through whom they can hear the gospel. They don’t have a church down the road in which they can hear the Word in their own language. They don’t have a Bible they can read. Most will live their whole lives and never hear a relevant proclamation of the gospel… unless someone from the outside enters their world, learns their language, and shares the message of Jesus Christ with them. This is what LBIM is all about: equipping, supporting, and sending missionaries to people and places unreached with the gospel. Why? So that people might hear the message of Christ, believe, and be saved.
New Missionaries
Paul and Alexa Fraser have been called to serve in Japan. They arrived in Japan in August 2023. Watch their story in this video or read the update here.
Matthias & Ellie Szobody have been called to serve in Chad. After a year of language learning and education in France, they will move to Chad in the summer of 2024. Watch their story in this video or read their story here.
Why does this work matter?
Lutheran Brethren International Mission works within the 10/40 Window (see image) — a rectangular area of North Africa, the Middle East, and Asia approximately between 10 degrees and 40 degrees latitude, north of the equator. The 10/40 Window is home to the majority of the world’s unreached people groups—over 2 billion people representing nearly 6,000 people groups who have no valid opportunity to respond to the gospel.

Due to environmental, political, and economic challenges these people groups are largely ignored by the majority of the world’s cross cultural mission organizations. LBIM’s mission focus is concentrated in this 10/40 window, intentionally going to people and places most isolated from gospel access.
“How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: ‘How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!’”
Romans 10:14-15
What We Do
Our mission is to glorify God as we make disciples of Jesus Christ throughout the world with a present emphasis in Chad, Japan and Taiwan, resulting in congregations with a like vision and purpose.
Mobilize in Mission
LBIM facilitates the congregations of the Church of the Lutheran Brethren in their call to fulfill the Great Commission.
Send Missionaries
LBIM recruits, trains, and equips missionaries who proclaim the gospel in some of the hardest to reach places on earth.
Make Disciples
LBIM seeks to plant Biblically grounded churches that are in turn reaching their neighbors with the good news of Jesus Christ.
Support Partners
LBIM has planted Church bodies in Cameroon, Chad, Japan, and Taiwan. We now partner with these sister denominations in mission to unreached peoples.
Literacy Work
LBIM has translated the full Bible into the heart language of seven people groups, and the New Testament into an additional four.
Holistic Ministry
LBIM seeks to love God and our neighbors by providing clean water, famine relief, community development, and education to those in need.

Is God calling you to the unreached?
LBIM is looking for people to go as missionaries to proclaim the Gospel among the unreached people of Africa and Asia. If you feel God might be calling you to mission work among the unreached, please contact us.