Pray with Us

The Church of the Lutheran Brethren, as we all do, relies on your faithful prayers. Thank you for joining us in praying for the ministry of the CLB. Pray for our pastors and churches, our seminary students, professors and staff, and for our missionaries overseas, as we reach the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ. We invite you to download our monthly prayer calendars for International Mission and North American Mission. View other available prayer calendars below as they are made available from our church plants and others.

Daily Prayer Notes

Prayer calendar for International Mission

Prayer Link

Prayer calendar for North American Mission

Daily prayer requests on your phone

Receive these prayer items daily on your smartphone. Download the CLB mobile app and turn on the notifications to receive daily prayer notifications to your smartphone.

Other Prayer Calendars

Below are other prayer calendars as they are sent to us. Do you have a ministry with a prayer calendar that you would like to share? We'd love to provide it here on this page, inviting others around the Church of the Lutheran Brethren to join you in prayer.

Prayer Request Form

We would be honored to pray for you, your congregation, or someone you know.
(Due to the occasional SPAM messages we receive, we are requiring everyone to include their name.)