Building for Lincoln Church

On January 31, 2025, Lincoln Church & Community Center, a Lutheran Brethren church plant in Lincoln, ND, purchased a building that will be renovated to serve as both a community center and a place of worship and ministry. Church planter, Pastor Carl Juhl, writes, “There are so many people that I encounter who know of God, but do not know God. When many of these people think about going to church, they get anxious. All of the anxieties of being in a new place, with new people, and worshiping a God they don’t even know yet can be too much. Coffee shops and public spaces are a great non-threatening way to get to know someone. Lincoln does not have these spaces. This building will not only be home for our church family but will also be a place where our community can gather. We want it to be a place where kids can play, families can have parties, people can visit over coffee, and the list goes on. We are so grateful for God’s provision and excited to begin to use this space to serve our community and help people follow Jesus.”

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