Rev. Paul Larson
CLB President
Rev. Paul Larson is husband to Bee, and father to Gabe (& Mikelle), Gracia (& Jim), Nick (& Tessa), Karina, Nate (& Julia); and granddad to four (soon five) little grand-Larsons. He was raised in the faith at Elim LBC in Clearbook, MN. He attended Lutheran Brethren Bible College and following was youth director at Yellowstone LBC in Billings, MT (82-85). He is a graduate of LB Seminary ('88), and has done subsequent doctoral studies (ABD) at Fuller Theological Seminary. He was a church planter at Word of Life LBC, Fort Collins, CO (88-91). He also pastored CLB congregations in CA and WI: Calvary Community Church, Fullerton, CA (91-02); Bethesda LBC, Eau Claire, WI (02-14). He was elected CLB President in 2014.

Rev. Paul Tjelta
Director of Operations
Paul Tjelta served Bethesda Lutheran Brethren Church in Westby, WI for twelve years before taking the call to serve as Director of Operations for the Church of the Lutheran Brethren in September 2024. Paul was born in Fullerton, California and later moved to Nampa, Idaho, while his father pastored CLB congregations in those locations. While growing up, his parents pointed him to Christ. Paul came to a conscious trust in Jesus as his Savior as a young child. He graduated from the University of Idaho with a degree in architecture and worked for an architectural firm for ten years before moving to Minnesota with his wife, Joy, and four kids (at the time) to attend the Lutheran Brethren Seminary. While in seminary, he served Stavanger Lutheran Church in rural Fergus Falls, MN, before taking the call to serve in Wisconsin following graduation. He and Joy have seven children.
Office of the President

Rev. Roger Olson
Associate for Ministry Support
Associate for Ministry Support

Steve Tonneson
Associate for Advancement Ministry
Associate for Advancement Ministry

Roy Heggland
Associate for Biblical Stewardship
Associate for Biblical Stewardship

Tim Mathiesen
Director of Communications and Prayer
Tim Mathiesen grew up as a missionary kid in Japan where his parents, Gaylan and Joy, served as missionaries for eleven years. He graduated from Northwestern College (now University of Northwestern) in St. Paul, MN with a degree in Graphic Design. Tim has served as an elder at Community of Joy Lutheran Brethren Church in Eagan, MN and Bethel Lutheran Church in Fergus Falls, MN. Before his current role as Director of Communications & Prayer for the Church of the Lutheran Brethren, Tim served for seven years as Director of Communication & Connection for Bethel Lutheran, followed by two years as Media Relations Coordinator for the Church of the Lutheran Brethren. He is married to Jenny and they have three children.

LaWayne Rogness
Director of Finance and Personnel
LaWayne Rogness was born in Mason City, Iowa. He grew up in Joice, Iowa and moved to Fergus Falls, Minnesota as a teenager. He was baptized into Christ as an infant and grew in his faith through the work of the Lutheran Brethren congregations his family faithfully attended. He graduated from North Dakota State College of Science in 1972 with a degree in electrical technology. He attended Minnesota State Community and Technical College and completed a business degree in 1983. He owned and operated Interstate, Inc., with his brothers, selling farm equipment for over thirty years. He has served Bethel Lutheran Church in Fergus Falls as treasurer and administrator and was employed by Inspiration Point as its Finance & Facility Director prior to Joining the CLBA as its Finance & Personnel Director. He and his wife Beverly live in Fergus Falls. They have three adult children.

Dr. Troy Tysdal
President, Lutheran Brethren Seminary
Dr. Troy Tysdal serves as president of Lutheran Brethren Seminary. He was born in Fergus Falls, Minnesota. He was baptized as an infant but turned away from the faith. Through the outreach of Lutheran Brethren congregations, he heard the Gospel faithfully proclaimed and received Jesus Christ as his Savior. Troy earned an Associate in Communication Art and Design from Alexandria Technical College in Alexandria, Minnesota; a Bachelor of Arts in Religion from Faith International University in Tacoma, Washington; a Master of Divinity from Lutheran Brethren Seminary in Fergus Falls, Minnesota; and a Doctor of Ministry from Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia. Troy has served the Church of the Lutheran Brethren as Church Resource Coordinator (2010-2015) and as Director of Communications and Prayer (2015-2023). He has been Editor-in-Chief of Faith & Fellowship Magazine (2014-2023), Associate Pastor at Stavanger Lutheran Church (2008-2012), President of Messiah Lutheran Church (2017-18), and Pastor of Chippewa Lutheran Church (2018-2022). He and his wife, Katie are members of Bethel Church in Fergus Falls and Battle Lake, Minnesota. They have two children.

Dan Venberg
Director of International Mission
Dan Venberg grew up on the CLB international mission field, in Chad and Cameroon, child to LB missionary parents. and He grew in his faith in a cross-cultural context, coming to understand and appreciate the distinctive theology of the Lutheran Brethren. Dan’s love for the natural world led him to pursue an undergraduate degree in wildlife management and a master’s degree in agroforestry. After working vocationally as a forester for eight years, Dan and his wife Rachel felt called to cross-cultural mission with the Church of the Lutheran Brethren. After obtaining a Certificate of Theological Study in Missions through Lutheran Brethren Seminary, Dan and Rachel, along with their children, served as missionaries in Chad for ten years, where they lived and ministered among an unreached Muslim people group. In 2012, Dan and his family moved to Fergus Falls, where Dan served for seven years as Mission Mobilizer and Recruiter for Lutheran Brethren International Mission. As of July 1, 2020, Dan has been serving as Director of LBIM. Dan and Rachel live in Fergus Falls. They have four children.

Rev. Brandon Pangman
Director of North American Mission
Brandon Pangman didn’t grow up in a Christian family. He was introduced to Jesus when a stranger walked up and proclaimed Jesus to him. Brandon knew the brokenness of this world (sin, shame and guilt) but this stranger gave him freedom in Christ. Brandon is blessed to be married to Jenny. They have three children (Mya, Ian, and Eli). Brandon started serving as Director of North American Mission in October of 2024. He previously served as the Lead Pastor at Emmaus Road Church (DeWitt, IA), Director of Elevate Youth Convention, Rock of Ages LB Church in Seattle, WA, Bethesda LB Church in Eau Claire, WI, and Bethel LB Church in Huntington Station, NY. Brandon has a degree in Business from Northwestern University and a Master of Divinity from Lutheran Brethren Seminary.