Weeks 5-8: Action Step

May 1, 2024    Luke Kjolhaug

One of the unfortunate side effects of our long-term political division, bolstered by 24-hour news cycles and a social-media saturated culture, has been the development of an “us vs. them” mentality. The other side is painted as the irrational enemy, refusing to meet the totally reasonable expectations of our side. Smear campaigns, name-calling, and anger are common reactions when our demands and expectations are not met. We know we have an idol on our hands when our godly desires become selfish demands. When the unspoken attitude is, “I need ‘X’ to happen or I won’t be OK anymore,” we’re dealing with an idol: something we fear, love, and trust more than anything else.

As a group, identify and discuss four such idols in the world around us (one each week). Pray that God would help us to see them, resist them, and turn from them. In what ways can we move beyond these idols in an effort to reconcile with those who oppose us?

List the identified idols here:

1. ___________________________

2. ___________________________

3. ___________________________

4. ___________________________