Week 3: Philippians 2:1-11

May 1, 2024    Luke Kjolhaug

“Therefore,” Jesus said, “Go forth into all the world and kick butt. Win. Smash thine opponent, at any cost. Stand strong, fight for your right, and don’t let anyone trample on you!” (ULKV - Unauthorized Luke Kjolhaug Version). There are days when I wish the Scriptures read like this. It is part of fallen human nature to want to come out on top. We lionize strength, not weakness. We prefer power to vulnerability. And we prize self-preservation over self-sacrifice. But this passage of Philippians brings another theme to the forefront. In describing the example of Jesus Christ, Paul uses words and phrases like “humility,” “others above yourselves,” “not looking to your own interests,” “made himself nothing,” “servant,” “obedient,” “death,” and “cross.” Jesus’ exaltation came through defeat. This is the way of the Cross. It is a high calling which demands dying to ourselves that we might then live for Christ. In a world where pride is considered a virtue, Christians have the opportunity to approach the public square with an attitude of humility.

Reflection Questions

1. How do the values championed by Jesus in the passage contrast with the values of the world around us?

2. Who are some of your earthly heroes? What qualities do they exhibit?

3. Is it possible to win an argument yet lose a relationship? Which is more important? How do you know what issues are worth “going to the mat” over?

4. Why is it so hard to love someone with whom you adamantly disagree? How can Jesus help you with this?