Gardner Retires after 43 years
Melinda Gardner in video for Apple Pregnancy Center. View the video by visiting or clicking the photo above.
Melinda “Lindy” Gardner, daughter of the late Rev. Omar Gjerness, retired after 43 years as director of Apple Pregnancy Center, in Eau Claire, WI. Apple was one of the first pregnancy centers in the nation.
Lindy helped start this valuable service to the Chippewa Valley on May 1, 1981, at the local hospital. She writes, “Since that time, we have been in four other office spaces, trained hundreds of volunteers, and seen thousands of clients. We have provided diapers, formula, maternity and baby clothing, cribs, car seats, training for parents, and post-abortion counseling. Most importantly, we have seen women carry a baby to term after knowing there is support and help for them during a pregnancy and for as long as needed.”
Lindy is also the longest-serving Care Net Affiliated Pregnancy Care Center Director in the entire nation. She and her husband have been long-time members of Bethesda Lutheran Church (Eau Claire, WI). Pastor Kirk Militzer writes, “Melinda is a gem. God has used her witness and ministry powerfully in the Chippewa Valley for 43 years.”
Lindy helped start this valuable service to the Chippewa Valley on May 1, 1981, at the local hospital. She writes, “Since that time, we have been in four other office spaces, trained hundreds of volunteers, and seen thousands of clients. We have provided diapers, formula, maternity and baby clothing, cribs, car seats, training for parents, and post-abortion counseling. Most importantly, we have seen women carry a baby to term after knowing there is support and help for them during a pregnancy and for as long as needed.”
Lindy is also the longest-serving Care Net Affiliated Pregnancy Care Center Director in the entire nation. She and her husband have been long-time members of Bethesda Lutheran Church (Eau Claire, WI). Pastor Kirk Militzer writes, “Melinda is a gem. God has used her witness and ministry powerfully in the Chippewa Valley for 43 years.”
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