Week 1: God's Dwelling Place
Where is God? That is our constant cry as human beings. For the Christian, seasons of suffering or doubt can cause us to question God’s proximity to us. For the non-believer, every upturned stone in their search for meaning is also an unwitting attempt to answer the same question: Where is God? They think, “Happiness eludes me, so I guess God is not here.” But in verse 3 of our passage, John gives a more cogent answer. “Look! God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God.” Where is God’s dwelling place? It is with his people! Immanuel is not far off, but with us. He became one of the riffraff and ragamuffins that make up this teeming sea of humanity. In his holiness, he didn’t distance himself but drew near to us, and he has the scars to prove it.
1. Read John 1:14. What do you observe about the Word who became flesh and made his dwelling among us?
2. What are some “stones” humans overturn in their search for ultimate meaning?
3. How might your neighbor need you to “draw near” to them?