video series

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Created in 2024
The Glimpse Project: Taiwan explores what God is doing through our missionaries and local congregations in Taiwan. Hear from Ethan & Sandy Christofferson and Ben & Sara Hosch, along with some of the Taiwanese pastors and ministry partners.

1: Temples

2: About Taiwan

Stream and download The Glimpse Project: Taiwan videos and study guide.


Created in 2024
The Glimpse Project: Japan explores what God is doing through our missionaries and local congregations in Japan. Hear from veteran missionaries Dean & Linda Bengtson and brand-new missionaries Paul & Alexa Fraser, along with some of the Japanese pastors and ministry partners.

1: Entering a New Culture

2: Japan and Christianity

Stream and download The Glimpse Project: Japan videos and study guide.


Created in 2017
The Glimpse Project: Chad explores what God is doing through LBIM in Chad. Hear from our large team of missionaries and ministry partners, reaching several unreached people groups.

1: Beautiful Feet

2: Unreached People Groups

 Request a private link to download The Glimpse Project: Chad videos.