Call. Partner. Unleash. Multiply.

The Church of the Lutheran Brethren is a disciple-making church. We are committed to live out this calling through these four objectives: Call to Follow, Partner in Mission, Unleash New Leaders, and Multiply New Disciples. Below, we dive into this vision and our five-year goals for each ministry.

Disciple-Making Church

The Church of the Lutheran Brethren is a unique and vital part of the Bride of Christ. We have been entrusted as stewards of a great gift: an intersection of gospel truth by which we are saved and summoned to live and rest in gracious freedom; and a glad and expectant call to be joined to God’s Mission in bringing that gospel of Christ to our neighbors, near and among the nations. Indeed, we are a people restful in grace and restless in mission. It is not for their own ends that our Seminary trains and raises up pastors and missionaries, that our North American Mission plants churches, nor that our International Mission sends missionaries. It is that together and with all of you we follow Christ in one solitary calling: to be and make his disciples. The CLB has always been this. And in this new day of challenge and opportunity, I ask you to join me as we seek more to be, and renewed as, a Disciple-Making Church.

President Paul Larson
Church of the Lutheran Brethren


CALL to Follow

We are a people called, shaped, and sent under the Word. We must hear this Word again to repent, trust, and follow Christ in sacrificially loving, serving, reconciling, and connecting our neighbors with Jesus, his community, and his mission.


PARTNER in Mission

Foster the interdependence of individuals, congregations, regions, and synod in disciple making to achieve these objectives.


UNLEASH New Leaders

Call, empower, and support young men and women to lead in making disciples and forming disciple-making communities.


MULTIPLY New Disciples

Mobilize our people and our congregations to disciple neighbors, near and among the nations, so new churches are planted, and established congregations are revitalized.

Connecting people to Jesus, his community, and his mission.

Ministry Call Mentors: 5

Over the next five years, Lutheran Brethren Seminary is recruiting five Ministry Call Mentors. They advance our mission by connecting with potential students. They help people recognize God’s call and encourage them to test their ministry gifts. They affirm the gifts that surface. They pray the Lord of the Harvest will send more workers into the harvest field.

Disciple-Making Movements: 25
Church Plants: 10

Over the next five years, North American Mission will lead 25 congregations through a revitalization process and facilitate or assist in the planting of ten new congregations or multi-site campuses.

Bringing the Good News: 4

Over the next five years, Lutheran Brethren International Mission has a vision to send four missionary units to join our international mission teams among the unreached peoples of Chad, Japan, and Taiwan.

Join the Mission

We are actively seeking individuals to plant churches, become missionaries, and to partner financially with us in sustaining and advancing the mission of the Church of the Lutheran Brethren. If the Lord has given you a passion for making disciples or the means to participate financially, we would love to hear from you.