Jason & Savanna Rogness
New Hope Church / Parker, CO
Ministry continues at New Hope as we make disciples where we live, work, and play. We are re-launching a Parker small group this fall, with families and individuals from neighboring communities. This core group, along with our Castle Rock and Lone Tree small groups are what make up the 50 or so people that call New Hope their church. Your partnership with the Church of the Lutheran Brethren allows us to continue fostering these relationships and helps us grow together in the Lord’s work of discipleship. // Pastor Jason Rogness

Nick & Brittany Olson
Word of Life - New Prague Campus / New Prague, MN, U.S.
Last March, Word of Life LeSueur launched a second campus in New Prague. The new campus has seen new faces, including not-yet believers, nearly every week! During the summer months, we’ve had the opportunity to give away iced coffee in our local park, serve the staff & faculty of New Prague area schools, and host a bounce house party at our community festival with over 1,000 people in attendance. In all that, we have been able to communicate to the people of New Prague that they are loved, valued, and forgiven because of Jesus Christ. Your gifts to North American Mission have helped us beyond what you could know. Every gift is a witness to church planters across the CLB that we are not in this alone. Thank you for investing in the present and future of the CLB, a disciple-making church. // Pastor Nick Olson

Kristian & Mary Anderson
Grace Hill Community Church / Boston, MA, U.S.
Mary and I moved to East Boston this past summer to plant Grace Hill Community Church. We are currently gathering a core team to partner with us while looking for others to commit to praying and giving to this church plant. Grace Hill Community Church will be a place where we will share not only the gospel, but our lives with people. We look forward to learning of God’s grace and how serving him transforms us. Thank you for your generous giving to North American Mission. Your giving and praying makes this work possible. // Pastor Kristian Anderson
The Andersons provide monthly prayer calendars. They are available to download on our prayer page.

Bob & Melonie Schultz
Isaiah Fellowship / Regina, SK, Canada
Isaiah Fellowship started as a ministry dedicated to fellowship of Word, Worship, Food, and Recreation—with a focus on young adults and young families. The first service took place on Father’s Day, 2021, with about 12 people in attendance. Currently, Isaiah Fellowship meets in a local community center and has grown to an average of 25 people every Sunday—with a midweek young adult Bible study averaging 12 people each week. We are excited about this opportunity to reach young people during a crucial time in their lives. Thank you for your partnership as you pray for us and give to the church planting efforts of the CLB. // Pastor Bob Schultz

Harold & Joyce Rust
The River / Red Deer, AB, Canada
The River has been blessed with many opportunities to reach a variety of nationalities and faith backgrounds with the good news of Jesus. In the spring of 2022, we took more than forty Muslim friends, who have immigrated to Canada from the Middle East and Somalia, camping in the Canadian Rockies. The Lord blessed our group with conversation about God’s love through Jesus Christ. The River is now looking for a young ministry couple to join our team and pour their heart and soul into serving the Lord in Red Deer. Your generosity allows The River to share the gospel with the unreached right here in Canada! // Pastor Harold Rust

Carl & Emily Juhl
Lincoln Church & Community Center / Lincoln, ND, U.S.
Emily and I just accepted the call to serve as church planters of Lincoln Church and Community Center. Lincoln is one of the fastest growing cities in North Dakota. This church plant is the vision of Grace Lutheran Brethren Church in Bismarck, ND. Grace has been hosting a Kids Club ministry in Lincoln since 2016 in anticipation of this day. Your giving and your prayers help us move forward with this important vision in a pivotal moment in this community. // Pastor Carl Juhl