Stewardship & Partnership

I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now…
—Philippians 1:3-5
Gospel partnership is a vital part of the ministry at Triumph Lutheran Brethren Church (Moorhead, MN and West Fargo, ND). God has equipped Triumph to do many things in his kingdom, but we can’t do it all! Strategic partnerships are essential to extend our reach across the street and around the world. We at Triumph partner with organizations in our community and globally that are proclaiming the gospel in word and deed.
Triumph has been relying on Lutheran Brethren International Mission (LBIM) for decades. LBIM extends our gospel impact beyond North America, carrying the gospel message across the globe. As a congregation, when we ask ourselves how we can steward our money and energy well, LBIM has been a crucial part of the answer.
As a local congregation, we can wrap our mind around bringing the gospel to our community. However, we do not have the resources to bring the gospel to the ends of the earth. We might be able to figure out what it looks like to cross cultural barriers, but we certainly cannot pull it off. We cannot recruit. We cannot train. We cannot send. And we surely cannot sustain a mission movement. Our partnership with LBIM is priceless to us because they can recruit, they can train, and they can send. And they are built to sustain this global mission movement.
And how is this mission movement sustained? Through you and me. You see, this is a two-way partnership. We rely on LBIM to spread the gospel where we cannot, and LBIM relies on local congregations and individuals like you, me, and all of us here at Triumph. A true two-way partnership in the gospel!
Our focus as a congregation is on a specific people group in Chad called the Bilala. Our goal is to reach this people group with the gospel of Jesus Christ and to see a Church planted among them that will effectively share the gospel with their own people. We do this by sending missionaries, funding holistic ministries like water wells, and sending short-term missionaries to bring encouragement to our long-term missionaries on the ground. This past December, a team from Triumph spent a week in Thailand encouraging our missionaries and leading children’s ministry programming during LBIM’s first-ever Global Summit. After the team returned, they shared all about what God is doing in and through our missionaries in Chad, Taiwan, and Japan. What a blessing!
Our partnership with LBIM provides Triumph with an opportunity that we would never have on our own. We thank God for the work of LBIM and all that they do to bring the good news of Jesus Christ to those who need it most.
Rev. Doug Rogness is the Lead Pastor at Triumph Lutheran Brethren Church, Moorhead, Minnesota and West Fargo, North Dakota.
—Philippians 1:3-5
Gospel partnership is a vital part of the ministry at Triumph Lutheran Brethren Church (Moorhead, MN and West Fargo, ND). God has equipped Triumph to do many things in his kingdom, but we can’t do it all! Strategic partnerships are essential to extend our reach across the street and around the world. We at Triumph partner with organizations in our community and globally that are proclaiming the gospel in word and deed.
Triumph has been relying on Lutheran Brethren International Mission (LBIM) for decades. LBIM extends our gospel impact beyond North America, carrying the gospel message across the globe. As a congregation, when we ask ourselves how we can steward our money and energy well, LBIM has been a crucial part of the answer.
As a local congregation, we can wrap our mind around bringing the gospel to our community. However, we do not have the resources to bring the gospel to the ends of the earth. We might be able to figure out what it looks like to cross cultural barriers, but we certainly cannot pull it off. We cannot recruit. We cannot train. We cannot send. And we surely cannot sustain a mission movement. Our partnership with LBIM is priceless to us because they can recruit, they can train, and they can send. And they are built to sustain this global mission movement.
And how is this mission movement sustained? Through you and me. You see, this is a two-way partnership. We rely on LBIM to spread the gospel where we cannot, and LBIM relies on local congregations and individuals like you, me, and all of us here at Triumph. A true two-way partnership in the gospel!
Our focus as a congregation is on a specific people group in Chad called the Bilala. Our goal is to reach this people group with the gospel of Jesus Christ and to see a Church planted among them that will effectively share the gospel with their own people. We do this by sending missionaries, funding holistic ministries like water wells, and sending short-term missionaries to bring encouragement to our long-term missionaries on the ground. This past December, a team from Triumph spent a week in Thailand encouraging our missionaries and leading children’s ministry programming during LBIM’s first-ever Global Summit. After the team returned, they shared all about what God is doing in and through our missionaries in Chad, Taiwan, and Japan. What a blessing!
Our partnership with LBIM provides Triumph with an opportunity that we would never have on our own. We thank God for the work of LBIM and all that they do to bring the good news of Jesus Christ to those who need it most.
Rev. Doug Rogness is the Lead Pastor at Triumph Lutheran Brethren Church, Moorhead, Minnesota and West Fargo, North Dakota.
Posted in Faith and Fellowship Magazine, Stewardship
Posted in 2024-01, Doug Rogness, Stewardship, giving
Posted in 2024-01, Doug Rogness, Stewardship, giving
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