God's Blessing

I have been an Elder at Hope Community Church in Nanuet, New York since 1999. Currently, I serve as the Church Chairman. I reside in Stony Point, NY with my wife Linda, and we have three children: Collin (engaged to be married to Gianna in July 2024), Brendan (married Katari in August 2023), and Olivia.
Why do I give to the CLB? Simply put, it’s because I believe in the CLB Vision (see, Disciple-Making Church at clba.org/disciplemakingchurch) and the leaders that God has called to pursue this vision. I firmly believe that people give to vision rather than solely to need.
In the Bible we find the story of Nehemiah, who had a vision and a deep burden to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. God answered that vision by providing the necessary financial resources to bring it to completion. I believe that if you are reading this and you share the belief in the CLB’s Disciple-Making Church Vision, you would be willing to give. However, I understand that you may not be in a financial position to give at this time.
Prior to 1996, when I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior, I knew a lot about money, but I wasn’t a good steward of it. With a degree in accounting, an MBA in finance, CPA credentials, and working in finance for a Fortune 50 Company, I had a strong understanding of money. However, my perspective shifted as I immersed myself in God’s Word at my local Lutheran Brethren church and participated in Bible studies led by amazing pastors trained at the Lutheran Brethren Seminary.
Through the holy Scriptures, I came to understand that everything belongs to God, and we are merely stewards of what he has given us. We have three options when it comes to God’s money: we can spend it, save it, or give it away. Being a good steward of God’s money requires creating a budget—an inventory of what he has given us—and being intentional about giving our tithes and offerings first, before allocating the remainder to spending and saving. If you desire a greater understanding of your finances, I highly recommend the resource called Financial Peace University.
In early 2000, Linda and I prayed about and pledged an amount over three years towards Hope Community Church’s building addition. At the time, we didn’t have the full amount, but we took a step of faith. We made financial projections, anticipated future year-end bonuses at work, and believed we would be able to fulfill the pledge. However, God had a different plan for us! In that same year, we unexpectedly received two different gifts from family members that totaled twice the amount of our campaign pledge!
We cannot outgive God.
I give to the CLB because I believe in its vision and the leaders who are committed to seeing it realized. I invite you to join me in giving, understanding that giving is not solely based on our current financial capacity, but on our shared vision and commitment to being faithful stewards.
Rob Burden is an elder at Hope Community Church, Nanuet, New York.
Why do I give to the CLB? Simply put, it’s because I believe in the CLB Vision (see, Disciple-Making Church at clba.org/disciplemakingchurch) and the leaders that God has called to pursue this vision. I firmly believe that people give to vision rather than solely to need.
In the Bible we find the story of Nehemiah, who had a vision and a deep burden to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. God answered that vision by providing the necessary financial resources to bring it to completion. I believe that if you are reading this and you share the belief in the CLB’s Disciple-Making Church Vision, you would be willing to give. However, I understand that you may not be in a financial position to give at this time.
Prior to 1996, when I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior, I knew a lot about money, but I wasn’t a good steward of it. With a degree in accounting, an MBA in finance, CPA credentials, and working in finance for a Fortune 50 Company, I had a strong understanding of money. However, my perspective shifted as I immersed myself in God’s Word at my local Lutheran Brethren church and participated in Bible studies led by amazing pastors trained at the Lutheran Brethren Seminary.
Through the holy Scriptures, I came to understand that everything belongs to God, and we are merely stewards of what he has given us. We have three options when it comes to God’s money: we can spend it, save it, or give it away. Being a good steward of God’s money requires creating a budget—an inventory of what he has given us—and being intentional about giving our tithes and offerings first, before allocating the remainder to spending and saving. If you desire a greater understanding of your finances, I highly recommend the resource called Financial Peace University.
In early 2000, Linda and I prayed about and pledged an amount over three years towards Hope Community Church’s building addition. At the time, we didn’t have the full amount, but we took a step of faith. We made financial projections, anticipated future year-end bonuses at work, and believed we would be able to fulfill the pledge. However, God had a different plan for us! In that same year, we unexpectedly received two different gifts from family members that totaled twice the amount of our campaign pledge!
We cannot outgive God.
I give to the CLB because I believe in its vision and the leaders who are committed to seeing it realized. I invite you to join me in giving, understanding that giving is not solely based on our current financial capacity, but on our shared vision and commitment to being faithful stewards.
Rob Burden is an elder at Hope Community Church, Nanuet, New York.
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