Pangman Called as New Director of NAM

Rev. Brandon and Jennifer Pangman with their children.
On March 31, 2023, the Church of the Lutheran Brethren’s Council of Directors voted to approve President Paul Larson’s recommendation to call Rev. Brandon Pangman as the next Director of North American Mission. Rev. Pangman will begin his call on September 18, 2023.
t was a 90-degree day, and I was sitting by a fire, minding my own business. For some reason, this guy walked up to me and started small talking me. At first it was sports, but then he asked me, “If you were to die tonight, would you go to heaven or hell?” I was caught off guard, but I wasn’t stupid enough to pick hell, so I said, “Heaven!” He asked me another question, “Why do you desire to go to heaven?” During his interrogation, I found myself answering questions I’d never thought about before. No one I ever met in my whole life had cared enough to talk to me about God. I quickly found out that my best effort was a dirty rag to God, that no one can earn salvation on their own, that God in heaven loved me so much that he sent his Son to pay for my sins, that Jesus died for me, that all the horrible things that I had done were not just forgiven, but forgotten. From that day forward, my life would never be the same.
Not long after Jesus chased me down, I began attending the Free Lutheran Bible School. During my second year at FLBS, I started dating Jenny Bjornlie, the granddaughter of Lloyd Bjornlie (former President of Lutheran Brethren Seminary). Jenny asked me to go with her to Ebenezer Lutheran Brethren Church in Minneapolis, MN to help with the youth group. As time passed, Jenny and I married, and soon after, we moved to Long Island, NY to serve Bethel LB Church in Huntington Station. Bethel is where I fell in love with ministry! Since then, I have served as Hillcrest Lutheran Academy’s Head Dean; Associate Pastor at Bethesda LB Church in Eau Claire, WI; Lead Pastor at Rock of Ages LB Church in Seattle, WA; Lead Pastor at Emmaus Road Church in DeWitt, IA; and as Director of Elevate Youth Convention since 2010. I guess you could say Jenny did her part to help serve the CLB by asking me to join her in volunteering.
In March 2023, the CLB Council of Directors (COD) called me to serve as Director of North American Mission. I am so grateful to President Larson and the COD for allowing me to serve the Lord in this position. I am thrilled and grateful to be able to come alongside our CLB pastors, elders, and church leaders to assist them in growing disciple-making churches. What excites me the most is that I believe with all my heart, mind, and soul that each of our churches can impact their communities for the kingdom of heaven through the work of the Holy Spirit and the proclamation of the gospel.
When we survey the world we live in and are called to serve, it is easy to see the opportunities before us. I hope our CLB leadership can continue working with our local churches in teaching and encouraging them as congregations (and individuals) to engage the lost around us. We can see sin’s toll on their lives, and we have the solution. Jesus has called us to go and proclaim his life, death, and resurrection to this broken world. I look forward to working with you, and I would like to start right now. I want you to think of someone you know who doesn’t have a relationship with the Lord. Maybe you have a couple of people who come to mind. Take a minute and start to pray for them. Let’s pray that God would use us in their lives to minister the gospel to them in Word and deed so that they might come to know Jesus and the forgiveness he offers. Let’s pray, my friends.
It won’t be long until I start in this new position and meet so many of you. Until then, I would appreciate your prayers in several areas. First, you can pray for us as we end our time in DeWitt. Emmaus Road Church has been a true blessing to me and my family. Join me in praying for them as they look to call a new lead pastor. You can also pray for our family as we move to Fergus Falls, MN. The stresses of packing, moving, saying goodbyes, and looking for a new house are being felt by our family. I also request your prayers for rest. Emmaus Road Church has graciously gifted my family and me some time off before I start this new position. I am praying this time off will be a time of renewal and sabbath.
Rev. Brandon Pangman will begin his call as the Church of the Lutheran Brethren’s Director of North American Mission on September 18, 2023.
t was a 90-degree day, and I was sitting by a fire, minding my own business. For some reason, this guy walked up to me and started small talking me. At first it was sports, but then he asked me, “If you were to die tonight, would you go to heaven or hell?” I was caught off guard, but I wasn’t stupid enough to pick hell, so I said, “Heaven!” He asked me another question, “Why do you desire to go to heaven?” During his interrogation, I found myself answering questions I’d never thought about before. No one I ever met in my whole life had cared enough to talk to me about God. I quickly found out that my best effort was a dirty rag to God, that no one can earn salvation on their own, that God in heaven loved me so much that he sent his Son to pay for my sins, that Jesus died for me, that all the horrible things that I had done were not just forgiven, but forgotten. From that day forward, my life would never be the same.
Not long after Jesus chased me down, I began attending the Free Lutheran Bible School. During my second year at FLBS, I started dating Jenny Bjornlie, the granddaughter of Lloyd Bjornlie (former President of Lutheran Brethren Seminary). Jenny asked me to go with her to Ebenezer Lutheran Brethren Church in Minneapolis, MN to help with the youth group. As time passed, Jenny and I married, and soon after, we moved to Long Island, NY to serve Bethel LB Church in Huntington Station. Bethel is where I fell in love with ministry! Since then, I have served as Hillcrest Lutheran Academy’s Head Dean; Associate Pastor at Bethesda LB Church in Eau Claire, WI; Lead Pastor at Rock of Ages LB Church in Seattle, WA; Lead Pastor at Emmaus Road Church in DeWitt, IA; and as Director of Elevate Youth Convention since 2010. I guess you could say Jenny did her part to help serve the CLB by asking me to join her in volunteering.
In March 2023, the CLB Council of Directors (COD) called me to serve as Director of North American Mission. I am so grateful to President Larson and the COD for allowing me to serve the Lord in this position. I am thrilled and grateful to be able to come alongside our CLB pastors, elders, and church leaders to assist them in growing disciple-making churches. What excites me the most is that I believe with all my heart, mind, and soul that each of our churches can impact their communities for the kingdom of heaven through the work of the Holy Spirit and the proclamation of the gospel.
When we survey the world we live in and are called to serve, it is easy to see the opportunities before us. I hope our CLB leadership can continue working with our local churches in teaching and encouraging them as congregations (and individuals) to engage the lost around us. We can see sin’s toll on their lives, and we have the solution. Jesus has called us to go and proclaim his life, death, and resurrection to this broken world. I look forward to working with you, and I would like to start right now. I want you to think of someone you know who doesn’t have a relationship with the Lord. Maybe you have a couple of people who come to mind. Take a minute and start to pray for them. Let’s pray that God would use us in their lives to minister the gospel to them in Word and deed so that they might come to know Jesus and the forgiveness he offers. Let’s pray, my friends.
It won’t be long until I start in this new position and meet so many of you. Until then, I would appreciate your prayers in several areas. First, you can pray for us as we end our time in DeWitt. Emmaus Road Church has been a true blessing to me and my family. Join me in praying for them as they look to call a new lead pastor. You can also pray for our family as we move to Fergus Falls, MN. The stresses of packing, moving, saying goodbyes, and looking for a new house are being felt by our family. I also request your prayers for rest. Emmaus Road Church has graciously gifted my family and me some time off before I start this new position. I am praying this time off will be a time of renewal and sabbath.
Rev. Brandon Pangman will begin his call as the Church of the Lutheran Brethren’s Director of North American Mission on September 18, 2023.
Posted in Faith and Fellowship Magazine, News, North American Mission
Posted in Brandon Pangman, 2023-04
Posted in Brandon Pangman, 2023-04
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