God Calls...

Lincoln Elementary School, where the Juhls host a weekly Kids Club (Credit: Lincoln Elemtary School Facebook Page)
How does it feel when someone calls you by name? How does it feel to know family and friends love you? It brings feelings of safety and joy. Yes, the love of our family and friends is nice, but much more than that is the love we receive from God! It is a beautiful thing that the God of the Universe calls us by name. We are known and loved beyond what we can comprehend. Not only are we known and loved by God, but he desires to further his kingdom through us. What a humbling thing!
It is incredibly easy to try to seek comfort above all else in this life. But God has called us as believers to do so much more! He calls us to share the gospel with those we come in contact with. This journey is worth it! Is it hard? Yes. Does it feel lonely at times? Yes. Do we struggle with doubt and confusion? Yes. But God sees us in our struggles. He sees us in our despair. He sees us in our questions. He is a God who is patient with his children. When we are running after comfort and the things of this world, he pursues us. He calls us to something much greater. He calls us to say, “Here I am, Lord. Use me.”
When we turn to him with our arms open, he brings into our lives people with whom we may share Jesus. The Holy Spirit prompts us, and we get a front-row seat to watch God work. God is alive! God is working even when it may be hard to see. God is in the business of working through his children. My husband and I recently moved to Lincoln, North Dakota, to be a part of a church plant. This has been a really exciting experience! I have spent much time seeking the comfort of this world. But the comfort of this world always left me feeling empty and confused. But God saw me. He knew me. He loves me despite my wandering. Psalm 63:3 (ESV) says, “Because your steadfast love is better than life, my lips will praise you.” His love and concern for us is better than all this life can give!
When the CLB called us to plant this church in Lincoln, my husband and I knew it was from God. He was calling us to serve. He is calling you, too! I know your experience and stage of life might be different than mine. I don’t know what precisely God is calling you to do or who he has put in your life to reach, but I do know he is calling you! He is pursuing you! He is asking you to be part of his mission.
We cannot do this mission alone! We need each other! I encourage you to get plugged into a local congregation if you aren’t already.
I encourage you to join a small group or study God’s Word with a friend. As it says in Hebrews 10:24-25 (ESV), “And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.”
Let us do this work together! We are on mission together! There are people in our lives who may feel like outcasts. They feel like no one cares. We get to be the hands and feet of Jesus to them. Why does this matter? It matters because these are people God cares deeply about, who will either be separated from him for eternity or will be saved for eternity. That is why it matters! People matter! Thank you, Jesus, that we get to be a part of bringing this good news to our world!
It is incredibly easy to try to seek comfort above all else in this life. But God has called us as believers to do so much more! He calls us to share the gospel with those we come in contact with. This journey is worth it! Is it hard? Yes. Does it feel lonely at times? Yes. Do we struggle with doubt and confusion? Yes. But God sees us in our struggles. He sees us in our despair. He sees us in our questions. He is a God who is patient with his children. When we are running after comfort and the things of this world, he pursues us. He calls us to something much greater. He calls us to say, “Here I am, Lord. Use me.”
When we turn to him with our arms open, he brings into our lives people with whom we may share Jesus. The Holy Spirit prompts us, and we get a front-row seat to watch God work. God is alive! God is working even when it may be hard to see. God is in the business of working through his children. My husband and I recently moved to Lincoln, North Dakota, to be a part of a church plant. This has been a really exciting experience! I have spent much time seeking the comfort of this world. But the comfort of this world always left me feeling empty and confused. But God saw me. He knew me. He loves me despite my wandering. Psalm 63:3 (ESV) says, “Because your steadfast love is better than life, my lips will praise you.” His love and concern for us is better than all this life can give!
When the CLB called us to plant this church in Lincoln, my husband and I knew it was from God. He was calling us to serve. He is calling you, too! I know your experience and stage of life might be different than mine. I don’t know what precisely God is calling you to do or who he has put in your life to reach, but I do know he is calling you! He is pursuing you! He is asking you to be part of his mission.
We cannot do this mission alone! We need each other! I encourage you to get plugged into a local congregation if you aren’t already.
I encourage you to join a small group or study God’s Word with a friend. As it says in Hebrews 10:24-25 (ESV), “And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.”
Let us do this work together! We are on mission together! There are people in our lives who may feel like outcasts. They feel like no one cares. We get to be the hands and feet of Jesus to them. Why does this matter? It matters because these are people God cares deeply about, who will either be separated from him for eternity or will be saved for eternity. That is why it matters! People matter! Thank you, Jesus, that we get to be a part of bringing this good news to our world!

EMILY JUHL serves with her husband Carl as a church planter in Lincoln, ND.
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