The Impact of Lutheran Brethren Seminary

Left: Solveig with her father Rev. Nick Mundis
Right: Solveig with her husband Sawyer, current student at LBS.
Right: Solveig with her husband Sawyer, current student at LBS.
Two of the most important men in my life have attended Lutheran Brethren Seminary. My dad graduated from LBS the year I was born and has been deeply involved in ministry ever since. Growing up, I was able to watch my dad shepherd his flock. I truly think that one of the biggest ways he served our family was showing us what it looks like to serve the Church. I was able to witness firsthand how his seminary training turned into action as he taught, led, and loved those in our congregation. As a child, seeing my parents serve the Church had a lasting and profound impact on how I came to view the Church and my own relationship to it.
However, the impact that seminary has had on my life stretches even further. Little did I know that one day my future husband would also be called into ministry and attend the same seminary as my dad. Currently, I am walking alongside him as he embarks on the first year of his seminary journey. It has already been a blessing to me as we’ve been able to learn together when he processes his class discussions and readings with me. I have also been able to see how God is growing and shaping some of the gifts that he has given my husband. God is using the professors and the study of his Word to give Sawyer greater confidence as he preaches and teaches.
One of the most impactful things I have gleaned from watching both my dad and husband as they live their lives in ministry is the importance of communion with God. Through reading his Word, prayer, confession and forgiveness, God renews our spirits. Psalm 51:12-13 says, “Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me. Then I will teach transgressors your ways, so that sinners will turn back to you.” Teaching God’s Word is an honor and should be done with care, as well as a humble heart. The great news is, God is always eager to forgive and restore us. I have been able to witness both my dad and my husband be restored to the joy of his salvation‚ as they seek Christ in their ministries. Not only has it been a gift to them but to those around them as well.
These experiences have given me a unique lens to see how rigorous study of God’s Word can shape not only the lives of those who attend LBS, but their congregations and families as well. I am thankful for the ministry of the Lutheran Brethren Seminary and the opportunity it gives men and women to dive into Scripture and use this knowledge “to serve one another in Christian love and share the gospel of Jesus Christ with all people” (Church of the Lutheran Brethren Mission Statement).
However, the impact that seminary has had on my life stretches even further. Little did I know that one day my future husband would also be called into ministry and attend the same seminary as my dad. Currently, I am walking alongside him as he embarks on the first year of his seminary journey. It has already been a blessing to me as we’ve been able to learn together when he processes his class discussions and readings with me. I have also been able to see how God is growing and shaping some of the gifts that he has given my husband. God is using the professors and the study of his Word to give Sawyer greater confidence as he preaches and teaches.
One of the most impactful things I have gleaned from watching both my dad and husband as they live their lives in ministry is the importance of communion with God. Through reading his Word, prayer, confession and forgiveness, God renews our spirits. Psalm 51:12-13 says, “Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me. Then I will teach transgressors your ways, so that sinners will turn back to you.” Teaching God’s Word is an honor and should be done with care, as well as a humble heart. The great news is, God is always eager to forgive and restore us. I have been able to witness both my dad and my husband be restored to the joy of his salvation‚ as they seek Christ in their ministries. Not only has it been a gift to them but to those around them as well.
These experiences have given me a unique lens to see how rigorous study of God’s Word can shape not only the lives of those who attend LBS, but their congregations and families as well. I am thankful for the ministry of the Lutheran Brethren Seminary and the opportunity it gives men and women to dive into Scripture and use this knowledge “to serve one another in Christian love and share the gospel of Jesus Christ with all people” (Church of the Lutheran Brethren Mission Statement).

SOLVEIG BRUNKOW attends Triumph Lutheran Brethren Church, Moorhead, MN where she serves on the Deacon Team.
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