Mother's Day Event Builds New Relationships in Taiwan

The following is an exciting update, originally posted by Ben and Sara Hosch, that we are sharing in this group with their permission:
Hello Friends and Supporters! We want to thank all of you for your prayers regarding our Mother's Day outreach at Wenxiu Park! The weather that day was in our favor; it didn't rain until our event was over for the day (and Taichung really needed rain!).
What we had originally planned as a regular monthly Sunday School gathering in the park became something bigger than we expected. All of Taichung Victory came to the park to partake in this outreach! And everyone had a part to play. Sara put in a lot of time and effort translating and sharing a simplified story of Hannah and the birth of Samuel to talk about the love of Mothers and God's care for us in giving us mothers. Addie put her artistic talents to work helping to create a small coloring book of the story for children to color in while listening. Our brothers and sisters with the church were busy leading music, leading games, blowing balloon animals, and connecting with families at the park. It is encouraging to see them excited about doing outreach and taking initiative and ownership in these efforts!
Please to continue to pray for Taichung Victory and our mutual work at Wenxiu Park. Sara is continuing to host Sunday School with our church coworkers at the park once a month. We also have a short, three-day VBS planned at the park July 4-6. Pray for all the details to come together, and that the families we have been connecting with at Wenxiu Park will want to be a part of this. We also praise God for the Feng-Jia University students at our church who are willing to help out with children's Sunday School at the park!
Please continue to keep Taichung Victory Church in your prayers. The church has been in renewed conversation with our CLBC Synod in Taiwan about the kind of support they need. And the Synod is being very open to providing different support than they have in the past. We have all come to the conclusion that our current building space is less than adequate for the kind of ministry we feel God leading us to. Church leaders are currently looking for a new space in the Feng-Jia community that will be both convenient for our university students and young families living in the area. We are excited to see what God has in store for our church, and for who He will reach through the ministry of Taichung Victory! Thank you for being a part of this new chapter in the life of this church in Taiwan!

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