Rev. Larson Re-Elected as CLB President

The Church of the Lutheran Brethren met for our 2020 Biennial Convention beginning on Saturday, June 11 through Tuesday, June 14. This was the first time we had met together since 2018, because of the cancellation of our 2020 Convention due to COVID.
We enjoyed good preaching and teaching, we processed the initial stages of a position paper, we launched our new ministry advancement initiative—Disciple-Making Church, we agreed to constitutional amendments, and we had an election of the CLB President and Council of Directors members.
Presidential Election Results:
Council of Directors Election Results:
Rev. Matthew Rogness
Vice President/Director of Operations
Church of the Lutheran Brethren
We enjoyed good preaching and teaching, we processed the initial stages of a position paper, we launched our new ministry advancement initiative—Disciple-Making Church, we agreed to constitutional amendments, and we had an election of the CLB President and Council of Directors members.
Presidential Election Results:
- President Paul Larson was re-elected for a third 4-year term as President of the Church of the Lutheran Brethren.
Council of Directors Election Results:
- From the Eastern Region: Pastor Roger Viksnes and Layperson Matthew DeKok
- From the Central Region: Layperson Michael Swenson
- From the Canadian Region: Pastor Harold Rust and Laypersons Dennis Rude and Chris Vandermeer
- From the Western Region: Laypersons Doug Bounds and Terry Oxendahl
- From the Pacific Region: Pastor Luther Stenberg and Layperson Warren Hall.
Rev. Matthew Rogness
Vice President/Director of Operations
Church of the Lutheran Brethren
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