June 8-11, 2024
Now that the convention is over, check out this page for all the resources that are available to you.
Seminars, sermons, and more are posted here for you to use for you and your congregation.
Seminars, sermons, and more are posted here for you to use for you and your congregation.
Resources for You
Convention Seminars
All the biennial convention seminars are available to stream and download.
Workshops & Cohorts
Why not continue our seminars and workshops beyond our biennial convention? Check out Zoom workshops about lay-preaching, biblical interpretation, and church constitution check-up.
CLB Monthly
To keep all of us updated on what God is doing through local churches, our missionaries, and our seminary, the CLB provides "CLB Monthly," a resource pack with slides, social media graphics, paragraph descriptions, and photos to use as you see fit.
Customized Media for You
Easter, Fall Kickoff, and Christmas are all opportunities to invite your community to your church. What if your graphics, media, and printed materials were all designed and customized for you? Sign up to show your interest, gearing up for this Fall.
Ministry Snapshots
Pastors and church leaders share how they are partnering with their communities, other churches, and organizations to care for their communities and share the gospel. From serving coffee at a community event to caring for foster families, watch these short videos and be encouraged and inspired.
The Glimpse Project
International Mission released this video series to show the work that our missionaries are doing in Chad, Taiwan, and Japan. The Chad series has been available for a few years. Both Taiwan and Japan were just released in May! Discussion guides are also available for the Taiwan and Japan videos, with Chad coming soon!
Convention Speakers

President Paul Larson
"Partner in the Gospel"
Philippians 1:1-5
Philippians 1:1-5

Rev. Alan Johnson
"Partner in Confidence"
Philippians 1:6
Philippians 1:6

Dr. Eugene Boe
"Partner in Suffering"
Philippians 1:7-8
Philippians 1:7-8

Rev. Mike Edwards
"Partner in Mission"
Philippians 1:7,9-11
Philippians 1:7,9-11
Panel Discussion Videos
Meet the International Presidents
The Lutheran Brethren presidents from Japan, Taiwan, and Chad joined us for our 2024 Biennial Convention. On Sunday evening, these three presidents sat down with President Paul Larson to talk about disciple-making in their own context and how we can continue to partner in mission as international church bodies, as a Disciple-Making Church.
Directors' Panel Discussion
CLB President Paul Larson facilitates a discussion with Dr. Troy Tysdal (President of Lutheran Brethren Seminary), Dan Venberg (Director of International Mission), and Rev. Brandon Pangman (Director of North American Mission).
Day of Equipping - SATURDAY, JUNE 8
This day was set aside for continuing education and our Women's Ministries Convention.
Note: The convention did not have permission to record the workshop tracks this year.
Church Leaders Track
Bethel Lutheran Church
Rev. Greg Finke

- Overcoming Fears, resistance and the 'Uncomfort Zones' of Your People
- Disciple Making - What Your People Need from Their Leaders

Youth & Young Adult Leader Track
Lutheran Brethren Seminary
Dr. Sean McDowell

- Understanding and Reaching Generation Z
- Chasing Love
- Engaging the LGBTQ Conversation
- The Worldview Behind Transgenderism
Women's Ministries Convention
Day of Community - SUNDAY, JUNE 9
Sunday started with worship with Good Shepherd Lutheran Brethren Church, followed by a free lunch at Bethel Lutheran Church, including activities and games for all ages.

Day of Ownership - MONDAY, JUNE 10
Monday included convention business, including the Statement on Human Persons and Sexuality. Two blocks of breakout workshops included seminars related to the convention theme of Partnership and more. The day also included morning and evening worship services.

Statement on Human Persons and Sexuality
One item of business is presenting for approval the “Statement on Human Persons and Sexuality,” a draft of which was presented and discussed at the 2022 Biennial Convention. The final paper that will be brought before this convention was refined by feedback from that 2022 discussion, along with feedback from the Fall Conference at Lutheran Brethren Seminary and private conversations with key individuals.
Day of Resolve - TUESDAY, JUNE 11
Tuesday included the final business session and reports, and closed with a devotional and communion service, led by the International Presidents from Chad, Japan, Taiwan and Canada.

We are a Disciple-Making Church